Comment la peinture au diamant peut réduire le stress - Oraloa

How Diamond Painting Can Reduce Stress

2020 has been a difficult year for many of us. Whether you've struggled with loneliness during lockdown, financial struggles, political division, or any other issue, chances are you've dealt with stress at some point.

You've probably tried all the usual solutions for dealing with stress and anxiety - maybe meditating, exercising, or taking a long bath. But how about trying something entirely new?

Not everyone knows what diamond painting is, but this fun and satisfying hobby is one of the most effective stress relievers! In case you need more convincing before you start, I urge you to keep reading.

Of course, as amazing as diamond painting is, it is no substitute for mental health services. If you have serious stress or anxiety issues (or just think it would help to talk to someone), see a professional.

Focus your attention on one thing

Activities like meditation and exercise are so often recommended for stress relief because they distract your mind from whatever worries you. But not everyone wants to sit for a long time or do physical exertion (maybe tomorrow, right?).

Fortunately, these aren't the only types of tasks that can distract you from stress. Diamond painting can achieve the same!

Instead of worrying about the news or what you have to do at work, think about putting each bead in the right place and colors that will best suit your design. You might be surprised how captivating diamond painting is.

Give yourself something to look forward to

Few things are more stressful than knowing the future is just more stress. In the strange times we find ourselves in, booking a spontaneous vacation is not an option. Even smaller activities, such as shopping or eating out, are impossible to plan.

So we do the same things day after day and we end up getting stuck. Do you think there is an easy and accessible way to free yourself? Yes, there is diamond painting!

It doesn't sound like the most exciting way to spend your time compared to Coachella or sightseeing in New York, but don't underestimate how much fun diamond painting can be when you're addicted . Trust us, you'll rush through your work and chores so you can get started as soon as possible.

Do something you control

no stress oraloa blog diamond painting

Adults are difficult. Your boss and co-workers rely on you at work, your landlord/utility company/mortgage provider relies on you to pay your bills, maybe your kids or your partner rely on you to take care of them - c 'is a lot.

Is the stress of trying to figure it all out hard for you?

There is currently a global pandemic going on, and there is nothing we can do about it except take precautions and try to protect others. We also have no control over the tragedies unfolding around the world that we hear about every day in the news.

While we can't remedy any of these things, we can alleviate our stress by giving ourselves something we can control and understand without effort. Like diamond painting.

It's a task that involves serious decisions, like what design you want to choose and whether you have enough skills for it, but few people would call these choices "stressful". So give yourself the light relief you deserve.

Stop moving

Whether you're a nail biter, skin picker, hair puller, or something more obscure, most of us have a nervous habit that involves our bodies. When your mind is preoccupied and anxious, it seems almost impossible not to channel that into something.

In the heat of the moment, it's easy to convince yourself that having a little fuss won't hurt you - but it's not healthy to destroy your body (even slightly) when you're feeling nervous, and it can soon create a reinforcing loop. Learn to control your impulses instead, and your future self will thank you.

There are plenty of things you can channel your energy into instead of fussing around, but diamond painting is definitely a great option.

You can even work on your projects while standing (for example, by placing your equipment on a kitchen island) or place your beads a short distance from your workstation, which helps to burn even more energy.

Now go have fun!